
By statute, the treasurer is required to receive and take charge of all funds belonging to the township or which are required by law to be paid into the township treasury. The treasurer is the township’s agent for collecting taxes.
The treasurer must keep true account of the receipts and expenditures of all funds in a separate book provided for that purpose by the township. This record shall be delivered by the treasurer to his/her successor in the office.
It is very important that the township treasurer diligently maintain accurate records of all income, receipts, and disbursements; promptly deposit all receipts in the township depository or depositories; and invest idle funds in proper savings accounts, government bonds, etc. The treasurer must pay out funds on the order of the township board.
Financial records, accounts, and procedures must be audited annually by a certified public accountant selected by the township.
The treasurer must keep true account of the receipts and expenditures of all funds in a separate book provided for that purpose by the township. This record shall be delivered by the treasurer to his/her successor in the office.
It is very important that the township treasurer diligently maintain accurate records of all income, receipts, and disbursements; promptly deposit all receipts in the township depository or depositories; and invest idle funds in proper savings accounts, government bonds, etc. The treasurer must pay out funds on the order of the township board.
Financial records, accounts, and procedures must be audited annually by a certified public accountant selected by the township.